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There are multiple causes of high blood cholesterol in women with PCOS

 There are multiple causes of high blood cholesterol in women with PCOS

 However, this medical condition can also affect heart health. When suffering from PCOS, according to "Very well Health." It is estimated that up to 7 per cent of women of childbearing age have PCOS, due to hormonal imbalances and this may cause a number of symptoms, which are as follows: - Pain or pressure in the abdomen or pelvis. - Irregular menstrual periods. - Depression. - Obesity. - Skin and hair problems such as acne or hair loss. If PCOS has been diagnosed, some women may also notice high cholesterol levels And triglycerides. Studies show that if you suffer from PCOS you may be more likely to have abnormal levels of fats as well, and up to 70% of women who suffer from it may also have some degree of high cholesterol and lipid levels. All aspects of the lipid profile can be affected in PCOS, including: - high triglyceride levels. - low levels of good cholesterol. - increased levels of harmful cholesterol. - high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Read also: How it affects Vitamin deficiency increases the chances of developing PCOS Causes of high cholesterol in PCOS There are no clear answers about why women with PCOS have high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, but there are a variety of factors behind this, including the following:


If a woman suffers from PCOS, she may notice an increase in weight, which may lead to an increase in cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as one study showed that the proportion of fats increases more when suffering from PCOS as well as obesity.

Abnormal hormone levels

Certain hormone levels can also be increased, including androgens such as testosterone. Estrogen and progesterone levels may fluctuate as well. Cholesterol in the body is used to make these sex hormones.

Insulin resistance

Insulin is used to help glucose reach cells so that they can perform a variety of functions. In some cases, cells may not respond to insulin easily. This will lead to increased levels of glucose, and the body may increase its production of insulin in response to this. Over time, this may also increase. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes, which is another medical condition that can affect cholesterol and triglyceride levels. How do you lower cholesterol levels? When you have PCOS and notice high cholesterol levels, although it cannot be cured, the condition may be controlled. It helps in controlling lipid levels in addition to the other symptoms that you suffer from, and a number of practices can be done that help, and they are as follows: - Losing weight, especially in case of obesity. - Exercising regularly. - Reducing stress. - Quitting smoking. Modify the diet to include foods low in refined sugar, saturated fats, and rich in fiber and other nutrients. Because triglycerides are in a healthy range, your healthcare provider may decide to add medication to help reduce fat.
